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Plymouth City Council

Below are the email addresses for the Plymouth City Council. The city's phone number is 245-6941.
Greg Baldwin, Mayor
Jon Colburn, Vice Mayor
Patricia Shackleton, Council Member
Sandy Kyles, Council Member
Peter Amoruso, Council Member

Proposition 218 allows ratepayers to protest water rate increases. If a majority of ratepayers protest an increase, the rates cannot be raised. But it’s not quite that simple in Plymouth.

Protesting a water rate increase from the City of Plymouth will only keep the City from raising your rates, and will not keep AWA from raising the rates it charges the City of Plymouth. It is AWA that is overcharging its customers and the City of Plymouth, as a customer of the Amador Water Agency, must protest the rate increase.

Use the links on the right side of this page to contact your City Council and let them know that you expect them to protect ratepayers from the AWA giveaways to developers. This will give the council fair warning that if they do not put pressure on the Amador Water Agency, the City will be faced with a rate protest when the time comes.